It is the call on your life to go and be the hands and feet of Jesus. We have always known there was a giant place in our hearts for children. We love any and all children, but more than anything we are drawn to the children that are hurting. The children who don’t have anyone to fight for them. The abused, neglected, hungry or orphaned child is where our hearts have been hardwired to go chase after. Even as a little girl God was pressing upon Emily to love and care for children. Her dream was always to be a Mommy to many. After a visit to Africa in 2016, Emily saw poverty that she never knew existed. It was hard for her to shake what happened to her there seeing so many kids in need. That’s when the tugging really began to deeply shake Emily to have a heart for children and for the nations. Garrett also saw extreme poverty and hurting children around this time when he went on a mission trip to serve at an orphanage in South Africa. The same thing happened to him- God opened up a place in his heart even bigger than it already was for children.